Friday 25 January 2013

Work: The Connected Fridge...

Just finished a huge tranche of pre-show work on the ISE Daily (was meant to be going out there and working on it as Exec Editor too, but them plans got scuppered unfortunately).

ISE starts next week, but of all the thousands of words I've read about the show and what will happen at it, one quote really stands out: an expert on Smart Buildings suggesting that by 2016 there will be between 60-100 connected devices sitting on your home network.

The pic above used to be the take on how that will look, but he wasn't thinking that. He was thinking fridges, microwaves, curtain motors that adjust the amount of sunlight getting into a room to regulate temperature, televisions, short, if something can be given an IP address and put on a network, it will be.

Remember the Big Bang Theory episode where they let some mirror-image geeks from China turn their lights on and off? That.

One suspects that hacking could get a lot more fun in the near future...

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