Monday, 10 April 2006

Darwin strikes back

Looks like the Royal Society is getting feisty on the creationism 'debate'. Go get 'em, boys.

Next live Webcast: Why creationism is wrong and evolution is right

Webcast commences: 1730GMT / 1830BST Tuesday 11th April

Intro:Many biologists are worried by a recent and unexpected return of an argument based on belief by the certainty, untestable and unsupported by evidence, that life did not evolve but appeared by supernatural means. Worldwide, more people believe in creationism than in evolution.

Why do no biologists agree? Steve Jones will talk about what evolution is, about new evidence that men and chimps are close relatives and about how we are, nevertheless, unique and why creationism does more harm to religion than it does to science.

Got the story off El Reg, whose Google ads service unfortunately automatically slathered the page with ads about how Intelligent Design is the one truth etc. Actually, last time I mentioned Darwin on this site I started getting email from Godbotherers telling me I should open my eyes and look at the evidence for ID (well, one email anyway) so they're quite fearsomely organised. And aren't those opposable thumbs handy for using a keyboard...


  1. It was rather clever of God to create the universe by a process of evolution. Stasis does not exist; all there is is process. This confuses religionists because religion is about stasis.

  2. Judeo-christian ones anyway...
