Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Digital switchoff league table

For anyone still languishing back in the analogue dark ages, Meeja Grauniad's got a report on where individual countries are on the digital switchoff

Finland's set to be first to go in 2007, a year ahead of its near neighbour Sweden in 2008. Which is interesting, because Sweden's still only got half a million subscribers out of a shade under 4 million TV households.

Anyway, the EC has set a 2010 switchover target and the dates expected by country at the moment are:

2008: Norway and Italy.

2009: US and Denmark

2010: France, Germany, Belgium and Spain

2011: Japan

2012: UK, Australia and Austria

Now, given that the UK pretty much leads the world in digital penetration, something tells me that some of those dates might just slip...

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