Friday, 3 February 2006

Tomb with a view

After many years gaming, I still think the first couple of Tomb Raider titles on the PS1 were some of the best ever made. Put them in context of the available technology, the game culture of the time, and they really were the veritable shining beacons of light. Interviewed the Core peeps a couple of times too, and am mystified how they a) managed to let their own creation get so mauled by Hollywood and b) how they managed to shag up the franchise quite so badly.

So, while normally I'd decry any nostalgia, back to basics trip, I can't quite help getting just a tad excited by new developer Crystal Dynamics's Tomb Raider Legend. The music, the puzzles, the moving boulders, the evenings of shouting 'Shoot straight you big-titted bitch' at the TV a la Simon Pegg...looks like Lara's back and not before time either. Take that XBox 360.

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